
“It Can Wait” Opens Summer Safety Campaign for Teen Drivers

AT&T is targeting teen drivers with a safety campaign to open the long summer months.

Recently, the campaign was significantly bolstered by the commitment of Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile US, Inc. and more than 200 other organizations that joined the movement. Within this campaign, there is a texting and driving simulator that will be traveling the country, working to spread the word about the dangers teen drivers face behind the wheel. This effort also comes as we approach the 100 Deadliest Days on the roads for teen drivers — the summer months between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Our Boston car accident lawyers understand that teen drivers will be closing up their books and welcoming summer break. With this comes more free time to play with, later nights to enjoy and oftentimes fewer rules to abide by. With this time approaching, we’re asking parents to step in and to remind these newly-licensed drivers about the risks they face out on our roadways.

“Awareness of the dangers of texting and driving has increased, but people are still doing it. With this expanded effort, we hope to change behavior. Together, we can help save lives,” said AT&T Chairman & CEO Randall Stephenson.

Need some help in approaching your teen about safe driving? Look over the following topics and get talking. Make sure your teen understands the risks that come along with a driver’s license and they know how to avoid these dangers out there on our roadways.

-Consider enacting a parent-teen driving contract. With this, you can enact your own household driving rules to make sure that your teen is as safe as they can be out there.

-Make sure your teen has, and abides by, a curfew. Teen drivers are more likely to get into an accident during the evening house than any other time of the day. Set a curfew and stick to it.

-Make sure they know that can call you at absolutely any time. You never want to put your teen in a predicament where they get in the vehicle with an intoxicated driver. Make sure they know they can always turn to you for a safe and sober ride.

-Remind all motorists that seat belts can save lives. Whether driving or riding along, make sure your teen is buckled in during every car ride.

-Keep distractions at bay. There is never a time when a driver should take their eyes off the road or their hands of the wheel. Teens may think they can text or make phone calls while driving, but the truth of the matter is they can’t. No one can.

As it stands now, car accidents are the leading cause of death for teens in the country. Step up, get talk today and help to change that sobering statistic tomorrow.

If you or a loved one was involved in a car accident in Massachusetts, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.

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