The CEO of the popular cell phone service provider AT&T, Randall Stephenson, is currently pushing drivers to put down their phones and to help reduce risks of distracted driving car accidents in Boston and elsewhere. During the Olympics, we saw the commercial of a man in a wheel chair who…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
New England Traffic Safety: Spike in Fatal Car Accidents Reported in Recent Months
There have been a number of safety campaigns to help make our streets safer for everyone. Car manufacturers are equipping cars with more safety technology than ever before. Still, we’re seeing an increase in the number of car accident fatalities across the nation. According to CNN, the number of first-quarter…
Car Accidents on Routes 24 and 195 Likely, Drivers Blame Road Condition
Police officers are beefing up their patrols and they’re focusing on bringing down the accident numbers on both Route 195 and Route 24. According NECN, officers’ new initiative will add more than 10 patrols on Friday and Saturday nights from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. This initiative will last through…
Teens at Risks for Sleepy Car Accidents in Quincy and Elsewhere
According to a recently-released study published in the Journal of Safety Research, young drivers aren’t likely to recognize the risks and the dangers that are associated with driving while they’re sleep deprived. Officials with the National Safety Council (NSC) conducted the study and concluded that driving without enough sleep is…
Car Accident in Randolph with Police Cruiser Lands 11-Year-Old in Hospital
An 11-year-old vehicle occupant was injured in a recent car accident in Randolph. This was no ordinary accident. This accident involved a cruiser from the Massachusetts State Police, according to Fox 25. The cruiser was heading south on Route 24 near Exit 20 just before 4:00 p.m. when the officer…
NeighborWalk Logs More Time for Healthy Residents!
We have a lot of pedestrians throughout the state of Massachusetts. Many residents choose to walk to both work and school as well as to public transportation spots to get to where they’ve got to go. There are also a number of NeighborWalk community walking groups. Recently, Mayor Thomas M.…
Massachusetts Car Accidents Cost Economy $400 Million Annually
Car accidents continue to be the number one cause of death for residents between the ages of 5- and 34-years-old. In fact, these crashes are among the top causes of death for residents of every age. Each year, there are more than 30,000 people killed in traffic collisions nationwide. Not…
Charlton Rollover Accident Kills 1, Injures 2
Following a single-car accident in Charlton, one woman is dead and two men are injured. According to MassLIVE, the accident happened on the Massachusetts Turnpike after the female’s car rolled at roughly 11:00 a.m. The female was transported to UMass Memorial Medical Center where she was later pronounced dead. The…
Traffic Accidents in Massachusetts Targeted Through New Bill
According to the National Safety Council (NSC) Congress recently included some bonuses in its Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill. Safe driving advocates with the NSC are applauding Congress for including a number of safety provisions to help to reduce the risks of traffic accidents in Massachusetts and elsewhere. The new provisions…
Boston Car Accidents & The Risk of Summer Road Rage
Road rage and aggressive driving are common risks, especially with the congested summer traffic. According to MSNBC, road rage was what led to a woman’s death in a recent New Jersey car accident. According to law enforcement officials, a 27-year-old and a 20-year-old are facing charges of vehicular homicide and…