Back in 1930, Massachusetts state senator George Parker attempted to prohibit car radios in motor vehicles because he felt that they were too distracting for drivers. Drivers weren’t happy with this movement and protested outside his office. After much concern and opposition from the public, Parker dropped the issue and…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
Tougher Exams to Reduce Risks of Trucking Accidents in Plymouth County and Elsewhere
Truck drivers throughout the country need a little more attention, says the Secretary for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Ray LaHood. According to a recent safety rule, healthcare professionals who medically examine these drivers need to be better tested, trained and certified to be able to more thoroughly examine a…
DOT Targeting Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Milford and Elsewhere with Distracted Driving Design Challenge
According to a recent study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), teenage passengers are least likely to speak up if they feel threatened by a driver’s distracting habits behind the wheel. Teens make up the age group that is most likely to be involved in a distraction-related car…
Risks of Car Accident in Boston and Elsewhere Higher for Returning Military Personnel
According to a recent USAA study, returning military personnel typically experience about 15 percent more car accidents in Boston and elsewhere. In these accidents, they’re typically at fault and the increase spans through the first six months they’re back from active duty. Their accidents are typically higher than the six…
Work Zone Car Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere Targeted by MassDOT Campaign
The state of Massachusetts is getting in on this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week. According to Richard A. Davey with the Massachusetts Department of Transportaion (MassDOT), transportation officials with the Department are teaming up with Construction Industries of Massachusetts (CIM) leaders in Devens, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…
Car Accident in Quincy Lands Uninsured Motorist Behind Bars
A recent hit-and-run car accident in Quincy left a local male driver with multiple charges and in deep trouble with law enforcement officers. According to the Quincy Herald-Whig, the accident happened just before 10:00 a.m. on the corner of Broadway and 24th. Local officers say they’ve arrested the 46-year-old suspect…
Three Teens Killed in Dorchester Car Accident
A recent car accident in Dorchester left three young motorists dead. The early morning accident happened just before 5:00 a.m. as three motorists headed north on Morrissey Boulevard. According to local firefighters and Massachusetts police officers, emergency responders tried to save the motorists, two 19-year-olds and one 20-year-old, after the…
Arvizu v. Puckett & Liability in Boston Car Accident Cases
When an at-fault driver is involved in a Boston car accident while working, who can be held liable? Our experienced Boston injury attorneys can help you identify liable parties to get you the award you are entitled to. The Supreme Court of Texas recently heard a case involving the question…
Program to Reduce Risks of Drunk Driving Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere through MA
Think A-Head! It’s a new school-based brain injury awareness program that’s helping to spread the word about the dangers that come with prom season. One of the main dangers face teens nationwide is the risk for drunk driving car accidents in Boston and elsewhere. That’s why the Brain Injury Association…
Student Badly Injured in Brockton Pedestrian Accident
After a recent pedestrian accident in Brockton, a high school student was left with a bleeding liver and a plethora of other serious injuries. After much worry and many procedures, he’s looking like he’s going to make it. The accident happened when the 16-year-student from Brockton High was crossing the…