
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


Child Injuries in Boston and Risks for Heatstroke Deaths

When you think of car accidents, you oftentimes think of two vehicles colliding into each other. What is commonly overlooked is the dangers that lie within the car through the withering heat of the summer season. As the weather continues to warms up throughout the state, parents and guardians are…


Parents Preventing Child Injury in Massachusetts with New NHTSA PSA

There’s a brand new series of public service announcements (PSA) that are here to help parents and guardians choose the right car seat for the young passengers in their family. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), it’s not only important to make sure parents and guardians have…


Motorists Warned of Overnight Road Closures on Interstate 93

April 4th kicked off the beginning of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation‘s (MASSDOT) enhanced maintenance project of Interstate 93 through Boston. This maintenance period is going to require complete road closures, which is expected to impact travelers on I-93 inside the O’Neill Tunnels. Traffic flow will be altered for two…


Intersection Accident in Allston Critically Injures Motorcyclist, Sedan Driver Cited

A recent car accident in Allston, at the intersection of Commonwealth and Harvard avenues, landed the driver of a sedan some serious citations from local officers. Accident reports indicate that the driver of the sedan failed to yield to a turning motorcycle at the intersection — he slammed into the…


Adjust to Daylight Saving Time to Avoid Auto Accidents in Braintree and Elsewhere

This week may seem like it’s a little longer than usual. Many residents are feeling this way because of the recent change to daylight saving time. As we recently turned our clocks ahead an hour, we’ll be experiencing increased risks for drowsy driving accidents in Braintree and elsewhere throughout the…


Children Better Protected in Boston Car Accidents with New Kid Crash Dummy

There’s a new addition to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) family. It’s a new “10-year-old” dummy and it’s helping to test new child car seats for children who weight 65 to 80 pounds. With the growing number of child car seats and booster seats for heavier children, the…

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