
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


SUV Hit by Sleepy Driver in Massachusetts Turnpike Accident, Authorities Say

A recent tractor-trailer accident on the Massachusetts Turnpike took out a sports utility vehicle and caused traffic to back up for four miles between Exits 8 and 9. According to Charlton State Trooper Darren Specht, officers responded to the incident shortly before 5:30 a.m. The accident involved an SUV that…


Police Chase Causes Four-Car Accident in Massachusetts

A recent four-car accident in Massachusetts that happened on Interstate 93 was caused by one irresponsible, on-the-run driver. The traffic accident happened toward the end of a state police pursuit involving a stolen car. Luckily, there were no injuries reported, according to the Boston Globe. The accident happened after a…


Massachusetts Traffic Crash Data Now Easier to Analyze

Analyzing traffic crash statistics in Massachusetts just got easier. In the past, researchers had problems culling data about statewide traffic crashes because, according to the Cambridge Systematics. Sheila Burgess, the highway safety division’s director, praised the database, saying “This tool allows us and other stakeholders to more effectively identify problem…


Massachusetts Lawmakers Hoping to Drum Up More Interest in Proposed Cell Phone Ban

One could practically hear crickets chirping at a recent committee meeting, where lawmakers convened to discuss a possible ban on cell phones for Massachusetts drivers. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 16 percent of all fatal crashes involve drivers who were distracted. And further, an estimated 5,500 people were killed…


Parents Offered New Resource to Help Reduce Risks of Teen Car Accidents in Massachusetts

Recently, the CEO and Secretary of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), Richard Davey, joined forced with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to announce the release of the new parent’s guide, “The Parent’s Supervised Driving Guide,” to help with the 40 hours of supervised driving required by parents and teen…


Politicians Rethink Laws to Help Reduce Risks of Car Accidents in Massachusetts

As we recently reported on our Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is working diligently to get government officials to enact a nationwide ban on portable electronic devices for all drivers. This move could one day help to reduce the risks of distraction-related car accidents…


Lt. Gov. Murray’s Car Accident in Massachusetts Questioned by Public, Hidden by Officials

As we recently discussed on our Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, the Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts, Tim Murray, was handed a number of traffic violations and fined for a recent accident some believe his irresponsible driving habits caused. While he defends his reputation by saying he fell asleep at the…


Strict GDL Programs Reducing Risks of Teen Car Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere

According to the National Safety Council (NSC) and the Allstate Foundation‘s “License to Save” report, strict graduated driver licensing (GDL) systems produce fewer fatal teen car accidents in Boston and elsewhere. If all states were to implement a strict GDL system, roughly 2,000 lives could be saved every year. In…

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