Articles Posted in Car Accidents


Holiday Season: More Travelers, More Traffic, More Car Accidents in Massachusetts

As we approach the end of the year and the holiday season, we’ll unfortunately see more fatal car accidents in Massachusetts if we’re not careful. Every year, the number of car accidents significantly increases around the holiday season. This is a time when more drivers hit the roadway to visit…


Four Dead and Six Injured in Five Overnight Car Accidents in Massachusetts

Car accidents in Massachusetts happen all too often, but we typically see a significant increase during weekends. One recent weekend evening produced five accidents that killed four and injured six, according to According to authorities, a 38-year-old man from Dedham is facing OUI charges and negligent operation of a…


State Receives Ford DSFL Grant to Help Combat Teen Car Accidents in Massachusetts

Our state was one of the lucky ones to receive a $20,000 Ford DSFL grant to educate young drivers on ways to help reduce their risks of a teen car accident in Massachusetts. This grant will be used to conduct driving courses, driving simulations and other learning programs for newly-licensed…


Westwood Car Accidents Commonly Blamed on Road Design

Car accidents in Westwood are nothing new, especially if you’re talking about the ones we see on East Street. Our Massachusetts car accidents attorneys know just how common traffic accidents are along the East Street Rotary. If it isn’t the traffic-related fender benders, then it’s the Commuter Rail Bridge that…


National Senior Driver Expo Tour to Discuss Elderly Residents and their Risks of Car Accidents in Massachusetts

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is hosting this year’s National Senior Driver Expo Tour and it’s heading to Boston on the 29th and 30th of October. This national tour has already stopped in dozens of cities throughout the country and will be making its way down the east coast…


Parents Urged to Teach Teens Vehicle Maintenance Skills to Help Prevent Car Accidents in Massachusetts

Newly licensed drivers may think they know all the rules of the road, but do they know how to properly maintain a car? Owning a vehicle is a lot of responsibility, and teen drivers may be virtually clueless when it comes to keeping up with safety checks and car maintenance.…


Work-Related Car Accidents in Massachusetts a Top Cause of Death for Workers

October 3rd through the 7th has been dubbed “Drive Safely Work Week (DSWW) 2011.” This year’s campaign theme is “Focus 360°: Getting there safely is everyone’s business.” The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) has joined forces with the U.S. Department of Transportation to help reduce the risks of…


Distractology 101 and AAA Targets Distracted Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts

As we recently reported on our Boston Car Accident Lawyer Blog, Distractology 101 is an interactive distracted-driving simulator that is making its way around Massachusetts to help teach drivers about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving. According to the Peabody Patch, the simulator is still going strong as its…


Elderly Drivers Face Increased Risks of Fatal Car Accidents in Massachusetts

A former Harvard Law School Professor, 82-year-old Detlev F. Vagts, previously entered a guilty plea for motor-vehicle homicide after a fatal scooter and car accident in Massachusetts. He has since been sentenced to six months of house arrest and three years of probation, according to The Harvard Crimson. Our Boston…

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