
Early dark increases risk of Boston pedestrian accidents

Our Boston injury lawyers urge motorists to watch for pedestrians as clocks go back an hour and darkness comes to the afternoon commute.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the end of daylight-savings time, low light, and the risk of driver distraction during the afternoon commute, significantly increases the risk of Massachusetts car accidents and Boston pedestrian accidents at dusk.

The government reports 4,378 pedestrians were killed and more than 69,000 were injured in 2008 — or a pedestrian death every two hours and an injury every 8 minutes. Massachusetts pedestrian accidents claimed 75 lives that year.

About 40 percent of fatal pedestrian accidents occur in the hours around dusk and dawn — with 1 in 4 reported between the hours of 4 and 8 p.m. While low light during the afternoon commute may also spark an increase in Boston car accidents, it is the serious and fatal injuries often caused by pedestrian accidents that has safety advocates most concerned.

Tips for Motorists:

-Slow down. Low light increases reaction time.
-Remember that pedestrians may not hear you approaching.
-Keep windshields and mirrors clear. Fill windshield wiper fluid and make sure wipers and defrosters are in good repair.

Tips for Pedestrians:

-Carry a flashlight or use reflective material and/or clothing to make yourself more visible.
-Don’t count on traffic signals to keep you safe.
-Don’t jaywalk and avoid crossing between parked cars.
-Use sidewalks.
-Walk facing traffic.

If you have been injured in a Boston bicycle accident or pedestrian accident, contact Massachusetts Injury Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.

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