According to a recent news article from News 7 Boston, what police are describing as a “major” traffic accident resulted in one fatality. There are photographs (not pictured here) of the car that appears to be upside down and completely engulfed in flames taken by witnesses.
In accidents where the police are not sure as to the cause, they will conduct a full investigation. This may include talking to and interviewing any witnesses to the accident and checking for any surveillance or traffic camera footage that may have captured the accident on video. These days, you will likely notice a series of cameras on just about every intersection. These are generally not red light cameras, but traffic cameras that can be used by traffic reporters and also to help police locate a suspect.
While many TV shows would lead us to believe that local police can immediately access any feed in the city and combine that with sophisticated facial recognition software, things in the real world are not that advanced. This technology may exist, but it is not in the hands of every local police force in the country. For this reason, the police will likely have to request footage from certain camera feeds and wait to get it.
What’s more important for your Boston car accident claim is that, if it is not preserved by local police, your footage may be erased in an effort to save data storage costs, which has been an increasing concern in our era of “big data.” For this reason, you should speak with an experienced Boston car accident lawyer as soon as possible to make sure that his or her car accident investigator can get started on the investigation as soon as possible and preserve any needed evidence.
If you are injured in an accident in Massachusetts, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.
Additional Resources:
One person dead after “major accident” in Milford, October 27, 2016, By Dan Hausle, News 7 Boston
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