
How often do Elderly Drivers Cause Car Accidents in Boston?

It’s no secret that our eyesight, our function, our coordination and our other safety skills unfortunately decline with age. Do we honestly know when it’s finally time to call it quits? Doing so can help guard against the dangers of being involved in a serious — or fatal — car accident in Boston.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are a few warning signs that may signal to us that were no longer able to drive safely. Health Day suggests that you look within yourself to answer this question as no one is able to judge you better than yourself. Is it safe for you to be driving?

Our Boston car accident lawyers understand that aging comes with a number of obstacles, with older drivers having some of the greatest risks for serious injury. You are urged to follow the advice and recommendations in this blog, and honestly ask yourself, “Am I safe behind the wheel?”

Are you experiencing any of the following:

-Are you getting lost when taking a familiar route?

-Are you getting ticketed for numerous driving violations?

-Have you been getting into fender-benders or near-misses?

-Are there new scratches or dents on your car?

-Have you received a recommendation from a doctor suggesting that you reduce your diving or stop altogether?

-Do you have health problems or are you taking medications that can affect your driving?

-Do you find road signs or road markings overwhelming?

-Do you find yourself driving too fast or too slow for no particular reason?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, citizens aged 65 and older made up nearly 15 percent of the total resident population in the United States in 2009. Of this 15 percent, nearly 5,500 people of this age group were killed in motor-vehicle accidents throughout the year. Another 187,000 seniors suffered injuries from these crashes.

The older driving population made up nearly 10 percent of all people injured in traffic accidents in 2009 and made up nearly 20 percent of all traffic fatalities. The number of injured drivers in this age group increase 2 percent from the previous year.

Nearly 100 elderly drivers, those above the age of 64, were killed in motor-vehicle accidents in Massachusetts in 2009.

If you or a loved one have been experienced a car accident in the Boston area, contact Massachusetts Car Accident Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call (617) 777-7777.

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