
Boston Car Accident Lawyer Blog


Tewksbury Memorial High School Get Crash Course in Distracted Driving

There is a new course offered at Tewksbury Memorial High School: Distractology 101. This course is to help raise awareness and educate our teenage drivers about the risks associated with distracted driving as teens continue to be some of the worst offenders. This course comes equipped with a simulator tour…


Should The Term “Car Accident” Be Used to Describe Crashes?

Many major publications including the Boston Globe routinely use the term “car accident” to describe a collision that occurs between two vehicles or that occurs between a vehicle and a pedestrian. The use of this term is readily accepted and most people say “accident” to describe a crash without even…


Window Tinting, Accident Risks, and Massachusetts Law

Window tinting is always in trend among young drivers, but can reduce visibility and ultimately increase the likelihood of an accident. Dirty windows and winter sun can make the going even more dangerous. While Massachusetts does have some window tinting laws, custom tint is not illegal. Car owners, including parents,…


NHTSA Polls Drivers on the Fast Track to Accidents

Officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released the “National Survey of Speeding Attitudes and Behavior”. In this new survey, officials report about half of drivers say that speeding is a problem on U.S. roadways. On the other hand, about 20 percent of drivers admit “I try…

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