
Boston Car Accident Lawyer Blog


Risks for Car Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere Skyrocket through Memorial Day

As we recently reported on our Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, the Memorial Day holiday weekend is expected to bring out a lot of drunk drivers. The National Safety Council (NSC) says that there will be more than 400 people who will die in car accidents in Boston and…


Car Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere Targeted by Global Youth Traffic Safety Month

It’s Global Youth Traffic Safety Month and to help to kick off the event, officials with the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) and teens from around the country are teaming up to fight for a safe summer on our roadways. They’re targeting motor-vehicle accidents in Boston and elsewhere considering…


Motorcycle Accidents in Massachusetts Focus of National Awareness Month

The entire month of May is National Motorcycle Awareness Month. During this time, campaigns, events and ads will be broadcasted nationwide to help motorists to think about motorcyclists on our roadways to help prevent potentially fatal motorcycle accidents in Boston and elsewhere. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…


Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Boston: Who’s to Blame?

Back in 1930, Massachusetts state senator George Parker attempted to prohibit car radios in motor vehicles because he felt that they were too distracting for drivers. Drivers weren’t happy with this movement and protested outside his office. After much concern and opposition from the public, Parker dropped the issue and…


Tougher Exams to Reduce Risks of Trucking Accidents in Plymouth County and Elsewhere

Truck drivers throughout the country need a little more attention, says the Secretary for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Ray LaHood. According to a recent safety rule, healthcare professionals who medically examine these drivers need to be better tested, trained and certified to be able to more thoroughly examine a…

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