
Risks for Car Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere Skyrocket through Memorial Day

As we recently reported on our Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, the Memorial Day holiday weekend is expected to bring out a lot of drunk drivers.

The National Safety Council (NSC) says that there will be more than 400 people who will die in car accidents in Boston and elsewhere over the Memorial Day holiday weekend because of the increase in overall traffic. For record keep purposes, this weekend is defined as the time from 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 25th through 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 28th. In addition to the predicted 400+ fatalities, officials predict that more than 40,000 people will be injured in auto accidents during this same time, during the traditional summer kick-off weekend!
During this long holiday weekend, drivers are not only urged to practice their safest driving habits, but they’re urged to make sure that everyone in their vehicle is properly buckled during every car ride. Officials with the NSC believe that about 150 people might survive the weekend because they’ll be wearing seat belts during an accident. Officials also believe that another 110 people could be saved if everyone were to wear their seat belt.

Our Boston car accident attorneys understand that the Memorial Day holiday weekend typically sees 12 percent more fatal auto accidents than similar non-holiday weekends. Many driving experts believe that this is because there’s such an increase in travel on our roadways during this time. Over this summer kick-off weekend, residents and visitors hit the road in route to friends’ houses, family members’ houses and holiday parties. The long weekend provides just enough time for that much-needed road trip.

During the long weekend, officials nationwide will be pushing the “Click It or Ticket Campaign” to make sure that motorists are not only buckled up, but to also make sure that drivers are on their best behavior. The nationwide campaign will be taking place from the 21st of May through the 3rd of June.

To help make your Memorial Day road trip as safe as possible, the NSC offers you these few simple safety tips.

Safe Driving Tips:

-Keep distractions out of the driver’s seat. Keep your attention on your vehicle’s surroundings.

-Make sure that everyone in your vehicle is properly buckled in and that kids are in the right child seats. Keep kids under the age of 12 in the back seat.

-Allow yourself with plenty of time to get to your destination. Extra time will reduce the impulse to speed.

-Get plenty of sleep and avoid driving while drowsy.

-Adjust your driving habits to the current road and weather conditions.

-If you plan on drinking, be sure to designate a sober driver.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in an auto accident in Boston or elsewhere in the state of Massachusetts, contact Boston Injury Lawyer Jeffrey S. Glassman. Our law firm offers free and confidential appointments to discuss the rights of accident victims and the families of accident victims. Call 877-617-5333 to schedule your free appointment today.

More Blog Entries:

Head-On Car Accident in Medford Injures Three Teens, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, May 15, 2012

Car Accidents in Boston and Elsewhere Targeted by Global Youth Traffic Safety Month, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, May 13, 2012

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