
Articles Posted in car accident attorney


Street De-Icers Cause Billions a Year in Vehicle Rust Damage, Placing Road Users at Risk

Modern road de-icing techniques, which employ chemicals over the traditional salt, results in $3 billion in damage annually in vehicle rust damage, according to AAA. U.S. drivers paid approximately $15.5 billion over the last five years on repairing vehicles damaged by rust. The exact extent of the problem is likely…


Woman Killed After Crashing Car into Eyeglass Store in Medford

According to a recent news article from The Boston Herald, a woman was killed after crashing her car into an eyeglass store in Medford, Massachusetts just north of Boston.  The accident occurred in the early morning hours. A spokesperson for the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) has said victim was the…


Taxi Company Liable for Injuries Caused by Negligent Driver/ Non-Employee

The doctrine of respondeat superior (Latin for “let the master answer”) holds that an employer can be vicariously liable for the actions of an employee who is acting in the course and scope of employment. That sounds fairly simple, but there is actually a lot to unpack in that statement.…


Auto Insurance Complications When Vehicle Use is Both Professional and Personal

Many people drive as part of their daily work routine. Some do so specifically to further the business of their employer. In cases where an at-fault driver was acting in the course and scope of employment, the employer may be found vicariously liable for its employee’s negligence – even if…


Could Pokemon Go Creators Be Liable for Accidents?

The Pokemon Go craze that swept the country resulted in all sorts of bizarre stories about video gamers trolling lawns late at night trying to “catch” the cartoon creatures. But there was on recent report that piqued the interest of our Boston car accident lawyers: That of a 26-year-old man…


Report: Massachusetts Auto Insurance Rates to Spike

Auto insurance rates are expected to rise by nearly 10 percent in the next few months, growing by the fastest rate in more than half a decade.  According to The Boston Globe, insurance companies pin responsibility on falling gas prices and a steadily climbing economy. In turn, officials say, there…


Rental Car Companies Now Have to Repair Recalled Vehicles in Fleet

There was a time when nothing would stop rental car companies from renting vehicles that had been recalled without first repairing them. In fact, rental car staffers didn’t even have to disclose to customers that the car had been recalled or that it wasn’t yet fixed. That time was over as…


Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Estate of Chee – Maximizing Insurance Benefits After Crash

Boston car accident lawsuits can sometimes involve family members or friends suing one another or the estates of those who did not survive. We know this sometimes sounds kind of terrible. After all, no one wants to sue their loved one. But the goal in these cases is usually not…


Boston Accident Lawyers Offer Ways to Be a Better Driver

Boston is the worst. That is, if you’re driving. Or on a bicycle. Or walking somewhere. As Boston car accident attorneys, we could have told you that based on our decades of experience. But we’re not the only ones who know. In 2015, Allstate ranked 200 major U.S. cities for…

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