Articles Posted in Car Accidents

According to a recent report from WHDH Boston, one man died in a fatal car accident in Natick, Massachusetts in Middlesex County just outside of Boston.   Authorities have said three pedestrians were in front of a store when a car came flying toward them and hit them.

needforspeedThe alleged at-fault driver was an 80-year-old woman in a Buick, of which she apparently lost control before hitting the group of men. Other witnesses to the horrific accident said she was clearly driving above the posted speed limit, which caused the vehicle to lose control, hit a curb, and fly into the air before crashing into the three men. Continue reading

Many people have parents or other relativities who are getting older, and it may seem like it may be best for everyone if they are no longer driving. This can be a particularly difficult conversation to have, but, in the end, many will do whatever they have to in order to keep the person from driving in the future.

mis99BAWhile everyone’s intentions are good, a recent news feature from AAA suggests that taking away an elderly family member’s keys can put that individual at a higher risk for serious health problems.   A recent study has found that elderly adults who are no longer driving are nearly twice as a likely to suffer from depression. These non-drivers are also around five times as likely to move into a nursing home or other long term care residence than adults of the same age who are still driving. Continue reading

Every year we hear about new safety features available on new cars. There was a time when people wanted nothing to do with safety features. For example, when the first seatbelt was invented, as adapted from airplane technology, drivers wanted nothing to do with it. This was also at a time when dashboards were made out of wood and other hard materials not designed to absorb impact.

meT4lm4These days, people generally want safety features on their cars, especially if they have a family car. Today, we generally see new safety features first available on luxury cars, and then eventually become standard equipment. Since car buyers pay a lot of attention to safety ratings and look for that 5-Star rating, manufacturers will try to get their cars highly rated. The criteria of that rating system is constantly changing, and, according to a recent news release from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), NHTSA is adding automatic emergency braking to the five-star criteria. Automatic braking will be required to get a five-star safety rating beginning with 2018 model year vehicles. Continue reading

The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day each year is known as the “100 Deadliest Days” for teen driving. It is during this time of year that teens are out of school and on the roads. These leads to a lot of car accidents, some of them involving serious bodily injury or death.

There are a lot of reasons for this annual increase in teen driving accidents, including teens not wearing seatbelts, riding with more passengers than the car was designed to handle, and underage drinking of alcohol combined with driving. With respect to extra passengers, it should be noted that it is never safe for anyone, whether it is an adult or a child, to ride as a passenger in someone else’s lap, or to have anyone riding in the bed of a pickup truck or cargo area of an SUV. These areas are extremely dangerous, and there is no safety mechanism in place to prevent injuries to these extra passengers.mCKICfA Continue reading

Many people may remember a time when cranberries were only eaten on Thanksgiving. Around the late 1980s and into the early 1990s, Ocean Spray and other large producers spent a great deal of money marketing the cranberry as a year-round food. They created recipes for things such as cranberry muffins, which never existed before, but, in time, people began to eat these products all year, and the price of the berries rose dramatically.

cranberries-1328106While these companies have tried to grow the berries in other countries with lax ecological and agricultural laws, allowing them to use floating combine harvesters, which kill the plants, many of the berries are still grown in bogs in New England, as they have for many years. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from CBS Boston, two people were killed when a pickup truck crashed into the Charles River. Massachusetts State Police have said the 2010 Toyota pickup truck was driving on Nashua Street in Boston. This is the area on the waterfront where city jail is located.

skyline-of-boston-1224185-300x225Witnesses say the pickup truck collided with an Acura in a traffic circle just before 7 p.m.   Vehicle crash inspectors believe the truck lost control completely after the collision, broke through a guardrail, drove off Charles River Dam Road, and fell around 40 feet, landing in the water. At the time the truck went into the river, there were two people in it, a 36-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man, both from Rhode Island. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from WMUR, first responders were called to scene for what they are describing as the most difficult extraction for a car they were ever required to do. This goes for one 20-year fire department veteran who said this was the worst in which he had ever participated.   In some cases, where the car is suspended in a precarious position, rushing in might seem like the way to go, but this can end up with the first responders becoming victims themselves.

mirw3DiAuthorities have said a car crashed through a guardrail on Intestate 93 South and flew off the roadway, where it got hung in a bunch of trees. There were three occupants in the car at the time. The car was hanging upside down, and the people were trapped there for hours as the firefighters worked toward the vehicle. The first thing they had to do was stabilize the hanging vehicle with lines, and then they were able to begin trying to get the occupants out of the car. Continue reading

Any car accident involving a pedestrian has the possibility of resulting in severe personal injury or death. We are talking about a car weighing upwards of 2,000 pounds colliding with a pedestrian with no form of protection whatsoever. When the accident involves a bus that can easily weight 40,000 pounds, the accident can have horrific consequences. According to a recent news report form NBC News, a man was rushed to a level-one trauma center after being trapped underneath a Greyhound bus in downtown Washington, DC.

tiretreadAuthorities have said the 70-year-old man was severely injured when he was hit by the bus and then pinned underneath it for around 20 minutes until first responders could free him and transport him to the hospital. According to witnesses, the man was at the corner of 7th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, when the bus approached the corner. The bus made contact with the man as it was making a left hand turn, and he managed to get trapped under the rear dual tires of the bus. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from the Boston Globe, a car allegedly crashed into Dunkin’ Donuts in Canton, and two people were injured.

donuts-1254149Witnesses say the crash occurred around 3 p.m. when a woman in her 40s was allegedly driving her car at a speed that seemed to be too fast. At this point, as one witnessed surmised, she likely hit the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal and came crashing through the doughnut shop. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from the WWLP, a serious car accident in Springfield, Massachusetts resulted in car that was nearly torn completely in half down its centerline.

meQrfYKAuthorities say the accident occurred around 2 a.m. on a Saturday morning. First responders were called to the scene and found what was left of a car that had crashed into a utility pole. Continue reading

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