Articles Posted in Car Accidents

GM has been under recent scrutiny for covering up the defective ignition switches tied to the deaths of at least 13 passengers. Now the CEO is creating a team to focus on vehicle safety. According to reports, the new safety organization within GM is designed to build on existing formulas to make cars the “best to drive in the industry.” This positive PR may be good preparation for the media spotlight at the New York International Auto Show; however, it does little to help the victims who suffered as a result of the wanton negligence and aggressive cover-up strategies by the company for years after knowing about the defects.

The public speech made by GM’s CEO was the first appearance made since the congressional hearings in early April revealed that the company had delayed for years the recall of 2.59 million vehicles with potentially faulty ignition switches. Now the company is under the gun and is likely to face additional litigation. Our Boston defective auto attorneys are committed to helping victims protect their rights in the event of an accident. We are also experienced with holding large corporations accountable for manufacturing, distributing, or failing to warn consumers about deadly products.
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Drivers throughout Boston break the rules of the road every day and some of those drivers receive traffic tickets. As a new report from CNN shows, drivers who break the rules and receive citations face significant costs as a result. Even a relatively minor driving violation can result not only in a fine but can also significantly increase your insurance rates. These higher costs will affect your budget for a long time to come. five-oh-in-5-662718-m.jpg

Avoiding dangerous driving behaviors is smart to prevent a ticket and the associated expenses that come with it. It is also essential to avoid behavior that could increase the risk of a motor vehicle collision and resulting injuries. Drivers who violate safety rules are presumed to be negligent when a car accident claim is made by injured victims, which makes it easier for victims to obtain compensation for their injuries. Those hurt in a collision should contact a Boston car accident attorney for assistance pursuing a damage claim.
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Lawmakers throughout the United States have been relaxing the rules for marijuana use, permitting people to take cannabis for medical purposes and even recreational purposes. Many people are embracing the more lax regulations because marijuana use has become increasingly popular. In fact, even in states where marijuana has not yet been legalized for recreational use, more people than ever are using this drug. tray-of-marijuana-1437843-m.jpg

Unfortunately, the increase in marijuana use can have serious consequences for road safety. A driver who is on marijuana may have delayed reaction time and will not be as focused on the road as he should be. These drivers can increase the risk of a collision and can put themselves and others in danger. An experienced Boston car accident lawyer can help those who have been harmed by impaired drivers to pursue a claim for compensation.
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A car accident is one of the most traumatic, stressful, and costly occurrences in modern life. Crashes, fender benders, and other collisions are also extremely common. While the majority of accidents only require moderate repairs, other accidents are catastrophic, leading to serious injury and fatalities. For accident victims, health and wellness must be a priority, but once you are back on your feet, you will need to make sure your car is fully repaired.


If you have never been in an accident, you may not know where to start when looking for an auto body shop. Our Boston car accident attorneys understand the stress faced by our clients who have been involved in accidents.
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While daylight savings time signals the beginning of spring and longer hours in the evening, reports indicate that setting clocks forward can increase the risk of traffic accidents. Research shows that the sudden reduction in sleep can make humans more prone to health risks and accidents. This spring, be wary of the impact of how lost sleep can impact driving ability and remember that other drivers on the road may be suffering from lack of sleep as well.


The loss of sleep is widely known to reduce driver response time and abilities when on the road. Driver fatigue has been linked to thousands of catastrophic and deadly accidents. Our Boston car accidents attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims and in reducing the number of accidents on the road. We are also committed to raising awareness to improve driver safety and prevent car-related injuries and fatalities.
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Motorists who cause fatal collisions because they drive recklessly frequently face criminal charges for their actions. Unfortunately, by the time these drivers are punished for their dangerous choices behind the wheel, a death has already occurred. While police can arrest someone for reckless or drunk driving even in cases where no accident has happened, these types of arrests and prosecutions are far less common. police-cruiser-1066864-m.jpg

Harvard law professor and noted constitutional and criminal attorney Alan Dershowitz recently wrote on Op-Ed for the New York Daily News suggesting that cracking down on all dangerous drivers would be one of the best ways to stop fatalities caused by motor vehicle accidents. Dershowitz argues that police are generally not interested in responding to reports of reckless driving unless a collision has occurred. As a result, most people get away with reckless driving and laws preventing it aren’t really very effective at saving lives or making the roads safer.
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For many people, the most important job of law enforcement is to prevent violent crimes. Some people believe that police should spend their time investigating murders rather than issuing tickets for drivers who go too fast or who run a stop sign. empty-road-1344295-m.jpg

The reality, however, is that police could perhaps save many more lives if the focus was on preventing traffic violence. Some cities are already recognizing the benefits of a focus on traffic crimes and undergoing a paradigm shift. Boston could benefit from doing the same.
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Insurance is big business in the United States, with companies making $30 billion in profits a year. While you might believe that you are investing in your long-term security, it is just as likely that your insurance company is plotting against you. Whether you are filing a car insurance claim, health care insurance claim, or against a homeowners’ insurance policy, remember that insurance carriers have a business designed to avoid payouts, even on legitimate claims. This can be especially frustrating if you have been in an accident with an uninsured motorist — as you may face another uphill battle with your own insurance company.

To achieve the best results with your car insurance claim, it is important to have a clear understanding of your rights. Our car accidents attorneys in Quincy understand the frustrations faced by our clients. In most cases, compensation is not only expected, but it is necessary. Whether you are looking to cover medical costs or recover compensation for a totaled vehicle, you need to be aware of your rights. The following is a summary of an analysis provided by a consumer rights group dedicated to keeping consumers aware of common tricks used by insurance companies to avoid paying out claims.
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Since 2004, serious injuries to pedestrians wearing headphones have more than tripled. Pedestrians who choose to wear headphones are unable to hear cars, bicycles and even trains approaching them. Without these important auditory signals, pedestrians are in serious danger of being run over and injured or killed. headphones-2-1374423-m.jpg

Massachusetts Law indicates that wearing headphones while driving a car is illegal, but there are no specific rules preventing bicycle riders or walkers from wearing headphones while they travel. As a result, many people fail to recognize just how dangerous this behavior is and they continue to walk or ride around distracted even as the death toll mounts.
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Google’s recent lobbying efforts aim to stop proposed restrictions on driving while wearing Google Glass. Google Glass is a tiny computer screen that is mounted within a pair of eyeglasses and that keeps people connected at all times. 3d-glasses-34-view-1418072-m.jpg

With 660,000 drivers at any given daylight moment already using cell phones behind the wheel, it seems fairly clear that the last thing that we need is more people plugged in to electronic devices while driving. Eight states that recognize the serious danger that Google glass could present have thus begun to move forward to ban the use of the devices by drivers. Yet, Reuters reports that Google Inc. has hired lobbyists in at least three different states to try to defeat the restrictions.
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