Articles Posted in Car Accidents

With winter weather rapidly approaching and the holiday season just around the corner, our Boston personal injury lawyers urge families to discuss safe driving habits with elderly drivers and to take steps to assure their safety.

The USA Today reports the rapidly expanding population of older drivers will have a huge impact in the years to come. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that fatality rates begin to climb after age 65. From 75 to 84, older drivers are about as dangerous as the most dangerous drivers on the road — teenagers. After age 85, the chances of being involved in a fatal accident skyrocket until the oldest drivers on the road are 400 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than young drivers.
It’s a huge issue because a separate study earlier this year also found that drivers over the age of 75 are much more likely to say they plan to driver into their 90s than are drivers who recently hit retirement age.

And, with the Baby Boomers hitting retirement age, the number of older drivers on the road is expected to explode in the coming years. The number of U.S. residents over the age of 70 is expected to grow from 1 in 10 today to 1 in 5 by 2040. Meanwhile, the number of fatal accidents involving those over 65 is expected to grow to 25 percent, from just 11 percent today.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than 183,000 older adults are injured in accidents each year — and they account for about 1 in 5 fatal pedestrian accidents.

Many seniors make concessions when not in denial about their abilities — typically limiting their driving to daylight hours. This is no guarantee. Eighty percent of traffic fatalities involving older drivers happen during daylight hours and 72 percent occur during the week.

Senior drivers were responsible for more than 1 in 5 fatal Massachusetts car accidents, accounting for 74 of the 363 fatalities in 2008.

The USA Today article encourages families to start discussing the issue early — even at the time an older adult retires — so as to make it less contentious. With proper planning, a parent or aging loved one may also move to an area where public transportation is available or make other concessions in preparation for the time when it may no longer be safe to drive.
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A Quincy man is claiming self-defense after a stabbing that police are blaming on road rage, the Boston Globe reports.

Our Boston accident attorneys have reported before on the dangers of road rage and aggressive driving. Aggressive driving involves a number of driving behaviors of which most drivers are guilty of at some point, including speeding, tailgating, changing lanes without using a signal and speeding up for yellow lights. Road rage, as in this case, is usually defined as a criminal offense.
Road rage injures or kills at least 1,500 motorists each year and Massachusetts has been at the forefront of the issue from the beginning. One of the first comprehensive studies of the issue, conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, opens with a 1994 case of road rage in Massachusetts in which a 54-year-old bookkeeper fatally shot a 42-year-old motorist with a crossbow.

In Monday’s case, the 62-year-old motorist said another motorist became angry at him for blocking traffic on Morrissey Boulevard after he was involved in an accident. The defendant claims he was defending himself when he stabbed the motorist. He has pleaded not guilty in Dorchester District Court to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The alleged stabbing victim was also issued a summons to appear in court on charges of assault, assault and battery on a person over 60, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and disorderly conduct.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers tips for reducing stress while driving and for avoiding road rage in Boston.

-Get out of the Way: Don’t challenge the other driver.
-Put your pride aside: Do not speed up, attempt to hold your own or otherwise provoke the driver.
-Avoid eye contact: Which may enrage an aggressive driver.
-Gestures: Ignore them and don’t return them.
-Report serious aggressive drivers: Pull over to a safe location and alert authorities to the location and description of the vehicle, including license plate number.
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Our Boston injury lawyers urge motorists to watch for pedestrians as clocks go back an hour and darkness comes to the afternoon commute.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that the end of daylight-savings time, low light, and the risk of driver distraction during the afternoon commute, significantly increases the risk of Massachusetts car accidents and Boston pedestrian accidents at dusk.
The government reports 4,378 pedestrians were killed and more than 69,000 were injured in 2008 — or a pedestrian death every two hours and an injury every 8 minutes. Massachusetts pedestrian accidents claimed 75 lives that year.

About 40 percent of fatal pedestrian accidents occur in the hours around dusk and dawn — with 1 in 4 reported between the hours of 4 and 8 p.m. While low light during the afternoon commute may also spark an increase in Boston car accidents, it is the serious and fatal injuries often caused by pedestrian accidents that has safety advocates most concerned.

Tips for Motorists:

-Slow down. Low light increases reaction time.
-Remember that pedestrians may not hear you approaching.
-Keep windshields and mirrors clear. Fill windshield wiper fluid and make sure wipers and defrosters are in good repair.

Tips for Pedestrians:

-Carry a flashlight or use reflective material and/or clothing to make yourself more visible.
-Don’t count on traffic signals to keep you safe.
-Don’t jaywalk and avoid crossing between parked cars.
-Use sidewalks.
-Walk facing traffic.
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Boston car accident attorneys know there are few things more important to our well-being and, unfortunately, more under-rated, than a good night’s sleep. Aside from the health benefits of regular rest, fatigue has also been found to play a significant role in workplace accidents, machinery-related accidents and motor vehicle crashes.

Driver fatigue is believed to be responsible for more than 100,000 car accidents, resulting in 71,000 injuries and at least 1,500 fatalities annually, the National Sleep Foundation reports. Nearly 11 million drivers have admitted to crashing or narrowly escaping a car accident due to falling asleep behind the wheel. Half of Americans surveyed admit to regularly driving while tired and another 20 percent say they have fallen asleep behind the wheel during the last year.

“When you are behind the wheel of a car, being sleepy is very dangerous. Sleepiness decreases awareness, slows reaction time, and impairs judgment, just like drugs or alcohol, contributing to the possibility of a crash,” said AAA Foundation President and CEO Peter Kissinger. “We need to change the culture so that not only will drivers recognize the dangers of driving while drowsy but will stop doing it.”

Authorities are urging motorists to take the risks serious this week during Drowsy Driving Prevention Week.

To help drivers recognize signs they might be at risk of “driving while drowsy” the NSF offers the following tips and prevention suggestions:

~ If you find it difficult to focus, lose track of time and catch yourself daydreaming or struggling with incoherent thoughts.

~ If the last few miles you’ve driven seem more a blur than a reality, or if you’ve missed an exit or failed to respond properly to traffic signal.

~ If you experience persistent yawning, heavy eyelids, nodding off or feel confused or irritable.

~ Before hitting the road make sure you are well rested and have gotten at least six (preferably eight) hours of sleep. On longer trips, plan regular rest breaks every couple hours.

~ If you feel yourself growing drowsy stop for a jolt of caffeine and a 20 minute rest before getting back behind the wheel. Caffeine and a brief rest offer good short-term fixes, but a better plan is to travel when you would normally be awake.
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A Boston trucking accident seriously injured the driver of a tractor-trailer after his semi rolled over on the I-495 South ramp to I-95 South on Monday afternoon, the Sun Chronicle reported.

Our Massachusetts workers’ compensation lawyers and Boston car accident attorneys are frequently called to handle serious and fatal trucking accidents.
The 45-year-old trucker was flown by helicopter to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. His injuries were described as life-threatening. The ramp has been the scene of numerous truck rollovers in the past. The truck was carrying a load of candles, which did not spill, but the ramp was closed for hours.

Transportation accidents are one of the leading causes of workplace accidents, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nationwide, more than 40 percent of the fatal work accidents in 2008 were caused by transportation incidents. Such accidents were responsible for 2,130 of the 5,214 fatal on-the-job accidents.

But those at the greatest risk of being seriously or fatally injured in a trucking accident are other motorists on the road. Passenger vehicles do not stand a chance in an accident with a large truck or other commercial vehicle. Nationwide, one out of every nine traffic fatalities involves a large truck, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

In 2008, a total of 4,229 motorists were killed and more than 90,000 were injured in accidents with large trucks. Of those, only 677 fatalities and 23,000 injuries occurred to truck occupants. The vast majority of injuries occurred to the occupants of other vehicles or to bicyclists or pedestrians.

Consulting with a Boston auto accident lawyer with the knowledge and experience to handle serious and fatal accidents involving large trucks is critical to protecting your rights and the financial well-being of you and your family. Such cases are often complex and involve multiple victims and accidents claims, in-state and out-of-state trucking companies, drivers and insurance companies, and state and federal trucking regulations.
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A civil trial involving a school bus driver accused of a fatal Brockton, Massachusetts pedestrian accident is under way in Boston, according to the Enterprise News.

Our Boston personal injury lawyers have reported here before that the vast majority of people killed in Massachusetts school bus accidents are pedestrians, typically a student who is boarding or de-boarding the bus.
A criminal charge of motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation was thrown out of Brockton District Court in 2008. A 46-year-old disabled woman was killed in the 2007 accident.

A Massachusetts wrongful death lawsuit was filed last year by the victim’s sister against the bus driver and First Student, Inc., the busing company.

The victim suffered from Parkinson’s disease and osteoporosis. She was using a walker to cross Belmont Street when she was hit by the bus as it took a right turn from Manomet Street. The bus contained three students and a bus monitor at the time of the crash. There were no reports of other injuries.

While thousands are injured in school bus accidents each year, fatalities are a rarer occurrence. An average of just 19 fatalities are reported in connection with school bus accidents each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. About 14 of those involve pedestrians.
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Massachusetts car accidents claimed two lives in separate accidents over the weekend, the Boston Globe reported.

An 18-year-old Middleborough woman was killed when she lost control of her car on I-495 shortly before 9 p.m. Saturday, according to Massachusetts State Police. Her 1996 Toyota Avalon was southbound hear the Plainville exit, when she apparently lost control, veered into the median, and struck a tree.

She was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she was pronounced dead. Our Boston injury attorneys frequently report about the dangers our teen drivers face on the road. While it may sound macabre, we urge parents to bring accidents involving teenagers to the attention of their young drivers each time a report is on the television news or in the newspapers. The number of teenagers involved in serious or fatal accidents is staggering. As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration continues to report, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers nationwide.

In this case, the victim’s 21-year-old passenger was also injured and was taken to Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro for treatment. The crash closed southbound I-495 for about an hour.

On Sunday, another young driver was killed when police say a 26-year-old Worcester man lost control of his 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse, which left the road and rolled over before striking a sign post.

He was pronounced dead at the scene and the cause of the accident remains under investigation.
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Our Massachusetts car accident lawyers have recently reported on our Boston Car Accident Lawyer blog that parents can reduce the risk of their teen being involved in a traffic crash simply by spending more diverse and instructive time supervising them during the permitting process.

Car accidents kill more teenagers each year than suicide, homicide and cancer. The AAA Foundation reports that in 2008, more than 800,000 drivers aged 15 to 18 were involved in car accidents which claimed the lives of 3,431 vehicle occupants and injured 350,000.

Recently the AAA Foundation undertook a year-long in-depth study of supervised driving and found that student drivers were not getting enough practice driving at night, in bad weather, or in heavy-traffic conditions on city roads, highways or interstates. Nor was there enough dialogue between parent and child regarding defensive driving or navigating safely through unexpected driving situations.

One key element to cultivating good driving skills in your teen is being a good example, AAA Massachusetts reports. To help parents and teens make the most of their shared time behind the wheel, the State of Illinois produced a parent-teen driving guide that provides instructive tips for a few common and more complex driving skills teen need to master. They include:


~ Before putting the vehicle in reverse, check all around the vehicle for pedestrians, other cars or objects (like mailboxes). Physically turn your body, don’t just rely upon side- and rear-view mirrors.

~ Backing up is a “walking speed” activity. It’s easy to get disoriented with the mechanics of moving in reverse, so you want to tackle the process at a low rate of speed. Keep your foot lightly hovering over the brake pedal and remember that tiny steering corrections can have a big impact in the direction of your vehicle. Turn the wheel gently, slowly and thoughtfully.


~ Working emergency vehicle ALWAYS have the right-of-way in any traffic situation and most states have some form of “move over” law on the books that requires drivers to slow down and change lanes when approaching an emergency vehicle or if one is coming up from behind.

~ If another driver isn’t obeying right-of-way “chain of command” – don’t resist or obstruct them. Let them proceed to avoid and accident or prevent a road-rage incident.

~ When making a left turn, oncoming traffic has the right-of-way. Just because you have a green light, does not mean it is safe to proceed. Before you move, check traffic and road conditions to make sure you have a clear path where you are heading and a safe entry zone.
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Our Massachusetts pedestrian accident attorneys know that the City of Boston prides itself for its excellent public transportation and walkable cityscape. The Daily Green and, frankly, numerous other “walk-friendly” and sustainable community resources, have consistently ranked Boston among the top five most walkable large cities in the U.S.
Just last week, the Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council sponsored a public talk on the “shared street” urban planning concept that blends functional, efficient, traffic flow with safe, sustainable green- and public-space. The meeting was the first of a series of coming “shared space” events that hope to develop a host of practical, implementable, projects in the downtown area that promote traffic safety, encourage health-conscious activities – like biking or walking – and stimulate economic growth through destination-based vehicle and foot traffic marketing.

This concept goes far beyond slapping up a few pedestrian crossing signs and some bicycle lanes and includes traffic calming devices that alter street shape, function and appearance, the Boston Globe reports. While at first, the idea of less signage or glaring, law enforcement monitored, traffic devices may seem a tragedy waiting to happen, results from European models have determined that both drivers and pedestrians pay more attention to one another and their environment without all the flashing, bells-and-whistles. Of course, this model is more appropriate for some locations than others, targeting more urban settings, than, for example, school zones and playground areas.

The “shared space” notion aims to change the dynamic between pedestrians and drivers while changing the visual landscape as well. Future shared road spaces will be less about segregating walkers from riders and more about safely opening street space in such a way that requires more human interaction.

The Walking Site, offers a few tips for starting walkers. Of course, before starting any exercise program, one should check with a doctor first:

~ Start off slow and easy with the right gear – a 20-minute round trip around your neighborhood is a safe place to start. Try it for a week and aim for a five-day-a-week regimen. Add five-minutes to your walk time each week until you reach your time or distance goal. A lot of good can be said for a decent pair of sneakers, comfortable – breathable – clothes and clean, dry, socks.

~ Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – and not just while you are walking. Drink plenty of water both before and after you hit the trail.

~ Mix it up a bit. Add stretching, warming up and cooling down as your build onto your routine. Once you’ve developed a habit of walking regularly – explore time, distance and pacing goals that work toward cardiovascular fitness.
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Our Boston child injury attorneys encourage parents to speak with their teenagers about the risks associated with poor driving decisions this week as safety advocates nationwide carry the message during Teen Safe Driver Week (Oct. 17-24).

As we enter the high school homecoming season, with winter driving and the holidays just around the corner, it’s a great time to have a serious talk with your children about their risk for a Massachusetts car accident.
Sixty-eight motorists were killed in car accidents involving teen drivers in 2008, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Nationwide, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers.

Teens are among the worst offenders of every poor driving habit in the book: speeding, drunk driving, texting and driving, distracted driving, driving without a seat belt and driving with too many passengers in the car.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation reports that a full one-third of 16-year-old drivers are involved in a car accident — 4,018 of 11,819 in a recent year. Drivers age 17 had a 1 in 5 chance of being involved in a crash. While about one-seventh of those age 18 were in a traffic accident.

And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 40 percent of teen deaths are the result of car accidents.

Spend some time this week with your teenagers and talk to them about the dangers associated with poor driving habits and about riding in cars with other teens.

You can use this Massachusetts teen driving contract to make a pact with your teen to stay safe behind the wheel.
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