Two people were injured in a recent rollover accident in Rehoboth. The accident occurred on Interstate 195 near exit 2 at roughly 3:00 a.m. Police reports indicate that the driver of the SUV lost control of the vehicle, which flew off the road and then flipped into a ditch. Both the driver and a passenger of the SUV were trapped in the vehicle when emergency response teams arrived. The Massachusetts State Police (MSP) are currently investigating the accident, according to the Providence Journal.

Our Boston car accident attorneys understand that rollovers are the most common types of one-vehicle accidents on our roadways. Some vehicles, including SUVs and trucks, are more likely to be involved in rollover accidents than others. In 2009, there were nearly 8,500 people killed in rollover car accidents across the United States. These accidents are more likely to happen in rural areas than in urban areas. Drivers are asked to be cautious when traveling in larger vehicles. Safe driving habits can help to minimize the risks of a rollover accident.
Characteristic of Rollover Accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):
-About two-thirds of unbelted people involved in rollover accidents are completely ejected from the vehicle.
-Most fatal accidents are single-vehicle accidents.
-Rollover accidents are more likely to result in fatalities than any other type of traffic accident.
-Rollover accidents account for about 20 percent of all fatal accidents.
-The number of fatal SUV rollover accidents has more than doubled since 1991.
-Males under the age of 40 are involved in the most rollover accidents. Most of these accidents happen on two-way roads without dividing barriers.
-Speed is a common factor in most rollover accidents. Most accidents happen on roadways with speed limits off 55 miles per hour or greater.
Drivers of SUVs are cautioned about rollover accidents. It’s these vehicles that are more likely to be involved in a rollover vehicle accident because of their weight and their height. Despite passing federal safety standards created to enhance safety, there’s no denying that sport utility vehicles are more dangerous than any standard car on the market.
These accidents are most likely happen, like the Reehoboth accident, when a vehicle runs off the road. Usually, something trips the vehicle, like soft ground, a roadway shoulder or a curb, and the vehicle starts to flip over.
Tips to Avoid a Rollover Accident:
-If you’re looking at purchasing and SUV, make sure you look for a wide one that comes equipped with electronic stability control (ESC).
-Be cautious while driving and avoid sudden sharp turns.
-Watch your speed. SUVs are most likely to rollover when traveling at a fast rate of speed.
-Keep an eye on your tires. Make sure they’re not worn and they’re properly inflated. Poorly-maintained tires increase your risks for an accident.
-Never drive under the influence of alcohol.
-Adjust your driving to different weather and road conditions.
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