Boston recently called upon the Executive Office of Transportation and Public Works (“EOTPW”) and the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to discuss new standards on how to effectively manage traffic to help reduce Boston construction zone accidents.
The groups will be reviewing the current “MassHighway Work Zone Safety Guidelines for MA Municipalities and Contractors” and “Standard Details & Drawings for the Development of Traffic Management Plans.” Both articles identify different configurations for construction work zones and suggest ways to achieve safe and efficient traffic management setup.
Our Boston wrongful death lawyers ask you to practice safe driving and abide by the state’s Move Over law, to help keep our motorists, road workers and emergency responders safe on the job. We would also like to remind you that fines are still doubled in Massachusetts even when a construction zone is inactive or shut down, according to
The theme for this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week theme is ” Safer Driving. Safer Work Zones. For Everyone.” MassDOT will be continuing to keep focus on Work Zone Safety by initialing the new Work Zone Speed Monitoring Program. This new program will be monitoring speeds of vehicles passing through work zones and limited access highways. They will be using electronic field monitoring of speed and volume information in designated work zones.
Car related fatalities continue to be the leading cause of work fatalities. In 2009, Massachusetts suffered 10 fatal work zone car accidents, according to The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse. The United States suffered nearly 700 fatalities and more than 33,000 injuries in work zones.
MassDOT offers motorists these tips to keep motorists, road workers and emergency responders safe:
-Travel at a safe speed. When you see warning signs, traffic regulations or emergency vehicles make sure to stay alert and proceed at a safe speed.
-Merge as soon as possible. Whether you see road construction or an emergency responder approaching, it is important to merge as quickly as possible to avoid close and potentially dangerous interaction.
-Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. Altered road conditions can cause surprise maneuvers by other motorists. Keep your reaction time by allowing yourself extra space between you and others on the road.
-Keep a safe distance from construction vehicles, workers and equipment.
-Plan ahead when you know you may encounter road work. Leave early or plan a different route as these conditions can potentially slow your commute.
If you or a loved on has been injured at work in the Boston area, contact Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.