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Wrong-way accidents are being studied as one of the most common causes of highway fatalities. In a recent Boston case, 7 vehicles were involved in a fatal wrong-way collision on I-495. According to CBS Local, the driver who was at fault for the seven car collision on Interstate 495 was killed and identified the day after the collision. The case illustrates the significant risk posed by wrong-way motorists and points to the need for additional study and preventative measures.


Though not all accidents are preventable, studying the underlying cause of collisions can help to prevent them in the future. In cases involving wrong-way collisions, the cause may involve improper signage, the use of alcohol, or other unforeseeable issues that may guide the driver the wrong-way on an exit or on-ramp. Our Boston car accident attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of accident victims and to staying abreast of safety issues throughout Massachusetts. We are committed to raising awareness and accident investigation to prevent future injuries and fatalities.
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Pregnant women must take certain precautions to keep themselves and their babies safe. In addition to proper nutrition, avoiding alcohol, scuba diving, hot tubs, and not boarding an airplane in the final trimester, women should also be careful when getting behind the wheel. According to a recent Canadian study, pregnant women are more likely to be in a serious car crash. The report, which was recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and highlighted on NPR, indicates that the risk for pregnant women is highest during the second trimester. Research shows that expectant mothers are as likely to be involved in an accident as someone with sleep apnea.


For pregnant women, being aware of accident risks could help to prevent collisions and subsequent injuries to themselves, their babies, and other motorists on the road. Our Boston car accident attorneys are dedicated to helping victims maximize their compensation in the event of an injury or the loss of a loved one. In addition to providing experienced and strategic representation, our firm is also abreast of scientific research and studies that may impact drivers and other motorists sharing the road.

The data looked at more than 500,000 mothers in Ontario and followed driving records and data for five years, including 4 years before the baby was born and a year after birth. During the second trimester the accident rates spiked and some researchers believe it may have to do with hormonal changes during pregnancy. Researchers and safety advocates are not recommending that pregnant women do not drive, only that they be more careful when behind the wheel. Expectant mothers should take extra precautions including the following:
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The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (DOT) is revamping an old message to Boston drivers. In a dialect that locals will understand, the DOT is urging drivers to, “Use yah blinkah.” The agency is hoping to get the attention of drivers and remind them to use a blinker when changing lanes. While the localized slogan is catchy and clever, it is also critical, as failure to signal a lane change can cause serious accidents and injuries.


Communication with other drivers on the road is important to preventing accidents and injuries. While we can take clues from drivers through their speed, direction and other factors, we also expect drivers to use their blinkers to indicate when they will be turning or making a lane change. Failure to do so is a leading cause of accidents. Our Boston car accident attorneys are dedicated to raising awareness to prevent accidents and injuries. We are also experienced advocates who provide strategic counsel to victims in the event of a pedestrian, bike, car or truck accident.
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In the event of a car accident, Boston injury attorneys will often explore the possibility of vehicle owner liability – even when the owner wasn’t driving and may have been nowhere near the site of the crash.
This is due to the legal principle of vicarious liability, which under English common law was referred to as “respondeat superior.” Essentially, a “superior” can be held liable for the negligent actions of a “servant.” It’s under this principle that companies employing reckless commercial drivers can be sued. It’s also under this principle that a parent could be sued for handing over the keys to a teen who has a history of making poor decisions behind the wheel.

However, it also allows that simple ownership of a vehicle makes one responsible for its use. Further, simply having one’s name on the title could indicate liability, at least according to a recent decision by the Florida Supreme Court.
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It was recently announced that RideScout, a technology platform that focuses on smartphone applications to connect people who need a ride with people who can supply it, is partnering with Zipcar to launch a new ride-sharing service in Boston.
It will join others, like Hailo taxi, Sidecar, Uber, Lyft and Hubway.

These services are featured as fast, convenient and usually cheaper than paying for a taxi. However, car accident attorneys in Boston note there is growing concern in a number of municipalities regarding not only the safety of such services, but also what kind of insurance coverage is available to victims when the event of a traffic accident.
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With advances in technology, bicyclists are safer on the roads. As cycling becomes more popular, inventors are getting savvy about the needs of the riding community. The Guardian reported some of the top safety gadgets that are going to keep Boston bikers safe. While bikers are still often victims of negligent driving, they can take necessary steps to protect themselves. Our Boston bike accident attorneys are committed to raising safety standards and helping prevent future accidents and injuries.


Here are some of the newest inventions in bike safety to keep you both safe, and trendy:

Retro-reflective paint: One of the main safety tools is increasing visibility for bikers. Mission Bicycle is one company that has made reflective or glow in the dark bikes available to the masses. Other bike companies have also developed and branded similar styles to keep bikers safe at night.
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In the event of an accident involving a large commercial trucking company, it is likely that there will be an investigation and potentially civil or criminal penalties depending on the circumstances and cause of the collision. In the recent FedEx accident that killed 10 people when the truck burst into flames, the company is already facing wrongful death claims, including one filed this week by the mother of a student who was killed in the fiery crash. The lawsuit alleges that FedEx trucks are known to catch fire and that the company was negligent in resolving the dangerous defect.

This is the first lawsuit filed in the action and the mother-plaintiff is seeking $100 million in damage on behalf of her daughter, the young female victim, one of five students killed in the crash. Our car accident attorneys in Boston are experienced in handling complex claims involving deadly collisions. We understand the gravity of every case and work strategically to maximize compensation for victims. In similar cases throughout Massachusetts, we have helped victims and their loved ones bring justice against negligent parties and recover the compensation they deserve.
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New York’s Auto Show was another reminder of the importance of safety features in new vehicles. A number of enhanced features and new technology became the focus of the event, as some features are becoming available across the board and not just in expensive vehicles. This demonstrates a consumer more interested in advanced safety features as the industry works to drive down the cost and make the features more available in vehicles across the board.

Family models, sport-utility vehicles, and new electrical models are all touting technology designed to reduce the number of accidents and injuries on the road. Our Boston car accident attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of victims and to raising awareness to prevent future accidents and injuries. In addition to providing strategic advocacy in cases involving accidents, we are abreast of new technology and safety trends to promote motor vehicle safety in Massachusetts and nationwide.
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The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating a tragic accident that took the lives of 10 victims earlier this month. According to Bloomberg and other accounts, a FedEx truck crashed into a bus transporting more than 40 high school students in Orland, California. This is another tragic incident that draws attention to the danger of charter bus accidents. It also raises the potential for high-stakes claims against FedEx for liability. In addition to potential for wrongful death claims on behalf of those killed in the crash, there are at least 30 other victims who suffered serious injuries in the collision.


While there are accidents everyday throughout Massachusetts, some crashes will draw national attention. This is a case involving young victims, a complicated accident scenario, and two large trucking companies. It is likely that the case will also result in multiple lawsuits and litigation. Our Boston car accident attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims who have suffered in a trucking accident. We are also prepared to handle even the most complicated accident claims.
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In the event of a traffic collision, victims have the right to file civil claims against negligent drivers and third-parties. While this is one remedy to help compensate victims who have suffered injuries, personal losses, or the death of a loved one, many safety advocates are urging additional harsher penalties, including jail time. After a recent case involving a garbage truck and a cyclist, advocates are hoping for harsher penalties and additional safety measures throughout the city.


Bicyclist-motor vehicle collisions are becoming all too familiar. With an increasing number of cyclists on the road, some drivers have failed to adopt necessary safety precautions. Our Boston bike accident attorneys are dedicated to helping victims and their families recover compensation after an accident. We are also committed to raising awareness and in advocating community safety and legislative action to prevent future accidents and injuries.
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