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There is a new course offered at Tewksbury Memorial High School: Distractology 101. This course is to help raise awareness and educate our teenage drivers about the risks associated with distracted driving as teens continue to be some of the worst offenders. This course comes equipped with a simulator tour that gives students a hands-on experience to see just what can happen as a result of distracted driving, according to Wicked Local.
“It is rather a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that gives drivers a real-life look at potential disastrous driving situations,” said Distractology Coordinator Danny Corcoran with the Arbella Insurance Group.

Our car accident lawyers in Boston understand that this crash course in distracted driving uses only 45 minutes to help exposure teenage drivers to 8 very difficult and dangerous scenarios that we see everyday on our roads. Through these scenarios, teens are able to see just how disastrous driving while text messaging can be. According to recent studies, there are about 3,000 people killed in accidents that involve a distracted driver in the U.S. each year. In addition to these fatalities, another 420,000 people are injured in these incidents.
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Recently, students of Malden High School gathered to mourn the death of one of their classmates. They lost the classmate in a two-car accident in Wakefield. The student, her mother and her sister were all driving north on Route 16 just before 10:00 a.m. when their SUV slammed head-on into another SUV, according to Wicked Local. The high school student was pronounced dead on scene.
Officials are still investigating the collision, but so far believe that the oncoming vehicle crossed into the family’s southbound lane as the accident happened. Officials also indicate that icy conditions may have been a factor.

Our Boston car accident lawyers know hundreds of people are killed each year when drivers turn the wrong-way into the face of oncoming traffic on high-speed highways. A significant number of these wrong-way drivers involve drivers who have a blood-alcohol level that is more than twice the legal limit, according to Yahoo News. Aside from the intoxicated drivers, officials also point the finger at older drivers. As a matter of fact, drivers over the age of 70 are commonly found in these kinds of collisions.
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It’s that time of the year. We’ve all said goodbye to 2013 and are working to make 2014 even better. With the beginning of a new year comes a time of reflection and improvement. Resolving to quit smoking or to spend more time in the gym is awesome, but we’re asking you to make a New Year’s resolution that can benefit the entire community — to be a better driver.

Did you know that in over 90 percent of automobile crashes, these ‘accidents’ are the result of human error – and therefore it appears we’ve still got a lot to learn. While there’s no such thing as the ‘perfect’ driver, every motorist could improve an aspect of their driving, whether that’s observation, planning, anticipation or hazard management, and in the process reduce their risk of becoming yet another road casualty statistic.

Our Boston car accident lawyers understand that roughly 10 million people are involved in car accidents annually. It’s also the leading cause of death for teenagers in America according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There’s no denying that car accidents cause needless injury and death, and devastation every year. We’re targeting the big three in 2014, asking drivers to be more aware of drunk driving, speeding and distracted driving.
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Speeding while driving is dangerous behavior that could increase the chances of your vehicle losing control or rolling over when you go around a curve. A driver who is speeding is also going to have to hit the brakes sooner because the added momentum caused by excessive speed can significantly increase the stopping distance of your car. one-car-key-1149771-m.jpg

Because speeding is extremely risky for drivers, it should come as no surprise that going too fast plays a role in around a third of all car accidents that occur within the United States. Far too many serious injuries and deaths happen in these speeding-related car wrecks, with the NHTSA estimating that about 10,000 people across America die in speeding accidents every single year. These deaths could all be prevented if drivers simply drove the speed limit and traveled at a speed that was safe for conditions. Most drivers know the importance of obeying the speed limit, but unfortunately choose not to go at a safe speed even though they are aware of the risks.
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Many major publications including the Boston Globe routinely use the term “car accident” to describe a collision that occurs between two vehicles or that occurs between a vehicle and a pedestrian. The use of this term is readily accepted and most people say “accident” to describe a crash without even really thinking about it. motorway-1198014-m.jpg

Recently, however, the DC Streets Blog published an article arguing that the use of the word “accident” was not appropriate to describe a traffic collision. The author’s argument was that the term “accident” can imply ‘that no one was at fault– that traffic injuries and deaths are just random, unpreventable occurrences.” Our Boston injury lawyers know that this is not an accurate representation of what collisions are, since they don’t just happen but are instead caused by defective vehicles, dangerous road designs or bad decisions made by one or more motorists on the road. The use of the term “accident” to describe traffic collisions may not drive this point home, as reports of collisions that use the word “accident” could be seen as letting the responsible driver off the hook for his actions.
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Window tinting is always in trend among young drivers, but can reduce visibility and ultimately increase the likelihood of an accident. Dirty windows and winter sun can make the going even more dangerous.

While Massachusetts does have some window tinting laws, custom tint is not illegal. Car owners, including parents, should be aware of the dangers of window tinting and drivers should remember that others on the road may not have full visibility. For most vehicles, window tinting that registers 35% on a tint meter is acceptable under Massachusetts law.

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Certain trends on vehicles can be dangerous, even deadly. Window tinting has been known to cause accidents and to conceal criminals when committing crimes. Our Boston car accident attorneys are experienced with representing the rights of our clients who have been injured or involved in an accident. We are dedicated to uncovering the cause of accidents, including negligence, defects, and other dangerous driver behavior.

Window tinting laws vary by state, however all states have some law about the visibility requirement in the vehicle. In addition to preventing accidents, states see window tint as a threat to police officers who cannot see inside when they approach a window. Despite even the toughest window tinting laws, many states have found it hard to completely enforce the requirements and keep drivers with illegal tint off the street.
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Teens are often the earliest adopters of new technology and are well-known for always being on their phones. As a result, it is natural to assume that young people are more likely to text and drive than adults. The reality, however, is that new teen drivers may not be at the greatest risk of causing a distracted driving accident. Instead, evidence indicates that young adults and new mothers may actually be texting more behind the wheel than young teen drivers. smartphone-icon-1340911-m.jpg

Our experienced auto accident lawyers know that anyone, of any age, is significantly more likely to become involved in a car accident when texting as compared to someone who is not distracted. Texting can take your eyes away from the road for 4.6 seconds and can increase the chances of a crash by 23 percent. All motorists, therefore, need to make a strong commitment to put the phone down and stay off the phone while operating a motor vehicle.
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Throughout Massachusetts and the Northeast, we have already seen the dangerous potential of winter storms, including reduced visibility, icy roads, and snowy highways. Whether you are taking a road trip or on your daily commute to work, it is important to remember winter safety when driving in the snow or in icy conditions. Learning how to break properly, being aware of other drivers, and knowing when it is too dangerous to get behind the wheel can help prevent accidents and keep your family safe.


In addition to preparing your vehicle for winter weather, you should take precautions as a driver. Our Boston car accident attorneys are experienced in representing clients who have been injured in an accident. Winter can carry significant risks to drivers, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians. Whether driving in the city, on a rural highway or traveling at high speeds on the interstate, be aware of the potential risks you may face this winter. Here are some tips to keep you prepared and safe when driving in winter weather.
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We have discussed the dangers of winter driving conditions in previous blogs, but what can you do to make sure your car is prepped for winter conditions? Ensuring that your car is operating safely and ready for snowy or icy conditions can help to prevent accidents and injury. Our car accident attorneys are experienced in representing individuals and families impacted by motor vehicle collisions. In addition to helping our clients recover financial compensation for their losses, we are also dedicated to keeping the community safe and informed to prevent future accidents.

Please do your part to stay safe through these long weeks of holiday travel.


Winter driving conditions can create a number of hazards. You could face blinding snow, sleet covered or icy roads, or deep mounds of snow. Motor vehicles can be impacted freezing temperatures. Many cars will also encounter problems because of road salt, including clogs and other build-up. Whether you have already encountered a winter storm or you want to learn more about being prepared in the future, here are some tips to prepare your vehicle for winter weather conditions.
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Officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released the “National Survey of Speeding Attitudes and Behavior”. In this new survey, officials report about half of drivers say that speeding is a problem on U.S. roadways. On the other hand, about 20 percent of drivers admit “I try to get where I am going as fast as I can.”
This is a serious problem because speeding accounts for about a third of all traffic accident fatalities in the U.S. each year. From 2002 to 2011, speeding was a factor in about a third of all deadly accidents. These crashed claimed the lives of more than 123,000 people and cost society more than $40 billion each and every year.

Our car accident lawyers understand that we’ve all got places to be, but it’s never a smart decision to put ourselves and innocent travelers in harm’s way just because we’re rushing. Throughout the busy holiday travel season, and particularly with dangerous winter driving conditions, we’re reminding drivers to keep an eye on their speed, obey the posted speed limits, adjust your driving to accommodate the current weather and traffic conditions and to allow plenty of time to get to where you’ve got to be safely.
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