With the recent change in time, Daylight Saving Time ends. We may have gained an extra hour of sleep but we also face increased risks of car accidents with early darkness.
Daylight Saving Time ended on November 4th at 2:00 a.m. With the change in time, we get earlier mornings and earlier nights — serving up some serious risks for nighttime car accidents.
According to recent studies on Daylight Saving Time, the time change has quite an impact on the number of car accidents. One specific study shows there’s a near 10 percent increase in the number of accidents on that Monday following the time change.
Our Dedham car accident lawyers are asking you to be safe out there. You might not recognize it, but it’s a lot more difficult to drive during the evening hours than it is during the day. Our eyes simply don’t see as much when it’s dark out. Unfortunately, most drivers just act like the hazards aren’t there — because they can’t see them. The truth of the matter is that you have to adjust your driving habits while navigating our roadways during the p.m. hours. The dangers are there and you need to recognize them.
While driving at night, your ability to see, perceive and judge distance is severely impaired. Your eye requires light to see. This is why nighttime driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. According to recent studies, about 90 percent of driving decisions are made based on what a person can see. For these reasons, it’s important that you take extra precaution when driving during the evening hours.
Did you know that there’s 60 percent less traffic on our roadways at night? Still, about 40 percent of all fatal car crashes happen during this time. The man-made light along our roadways just isn’t enough.
Our youngest drivers are at some of the highest risks for accidents when driving during the evening hours. That’s why our state’s Graduated Driver’s Licensing (GDL) program restricts many young drivers from driving between 12:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. States that have nighttime restrictions typically have reported up to a 60 percent reduction in the number of accidents during these restricted hours.
You also face higher risks for drowsy driving car accidents during the evening hours. When it’s dark out, your body wants to sleep. If you can avoid nighttime driving altogether, you’re urged to do so. If you’ve got to drive at night, make sure you’ve got plenty of rest and that you’re wide awake. it you start to feel sleep or are having trouble seeing the roadway, pull over and take a break. There’s no point in pushing on as you could wind up quickly falling asleep at the wheel.
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