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Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in young adults ages 15 to 20. In an effort to continue to reduce car accidents among teens, Ford Motor Co. is expanding its program of one-day clinics to 30 high schools in 15 states.

Our Boston personal injury lawyers understand the importance of educating our young drivers about safe driving habits, especially with the increasing popularity of hand-held communication devices.
“We know that with the advent of texting, in particular with teens, that that’s become a major distraction,” says manager of Ford Driving Skills for Life, Jim Graham. “The lack of experience is a key. You take that in conjunction with distracted driving and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.”

The course if offered to students for free, thanks to Ford Motor Company’s $35,000 per-clinic donation. The students will be able to learn safe driving techniques from some of the nation’s best drivers, professional race car drivers. Each student is taught what it’s like to deal with in-car distractions, to drive while legally drunk using intoxicated vision goggles and how to drive in various poor weather conditions.

The course is designed to decrease some of these teen accident statistics provided by NHTSA:

-Approximately 12 percent of those 12 years of age and older reported driving under the influence of alcohol in the last year.

-An estimated 24,000 people were injured in car accidents while using cell phones in 2009.

-Speeding contributed to 31 percent of all fatal crashes.

Students Against Drunk Driving offers you this Communication Guide to help you talk to your child and find and effective way to stress importance of safe driving.
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The increasing number of low-fare buses in Massachusetts are conjuring up questions about the safety features and regulations of the older, cheaper rides. These discounted bus lines offer cheaper tickets, but could increase the safety risk for passengers or result in a Boston bus accident.

“They discount, some of them, not all of them, but some of them hold back in certain areas. They may not have a full-time fleet mechanic. They may not have a full-time safety person,” said transportation consultant Joe Mokrisky said.
Massachusetts car accident attorneys advise you to check out bus companies before purchasing a ticket. Ask yourself, “Is your safety worth sacrificing to save a few bucks?”

ABC 5 reports that tickets on a low-fare bus company making a trip from Boston to New York will run you about $10 – $15, but the same trip on Amtrack will run you about $70. Is your safety really at risk on those loosely maintained buses?

Worldwide has been the only company to receive one score with an alert status in the last 24 months, according to the Federal Transportation Department. The citation was not vehicle related. The driver was cited for driving fatigued.

Bus drivers for all types of busing companies are typically paid the same, go through the same training sessions, and work under the same schedules. The major difference between the low-fare companies and the companies like Super Luxury Tours and World Wide Travel is the age of their buses. Low-fare companies typically offer rides on older buses.

The low-fare bus options didn’t score so well in the 24 month record. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration records show the 135 buses in the Northeast, operated by Coach USA, racked up 20 speeding tickets during the same period. Greyhouse Lines Inc. collected about 117.

Whatever the fare, busing companies have an obligation to protect passengers from preventable injuries. When they don’t, a company can and should be held responsible.
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There are nearly 5,800 railroad crossing accidents every year in the United States according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Boston car accident lawyers urge you to be alert at railroad crossings as crossing devices may fail, railroads may be littered with debris — mechanism failure or human error can cause fatal injuries.
Avon officials were called to the scene of a Massachusetts car accident Thursday. An elderly woman and her car were stuck by a commuter train at a railroad crossing. The train engineer slammed on the brakes but was unable to stop before hitting her car. She was later pronounced dead.

Crash Stuff reports that nearly 50 percent of collisions that take place at railroad crossings happen when warning devices, lights and gates, are activated.

A study released by the Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration reveals that these railroad crossing accidents cause serious and fatal injuries to vehicle occupants because of the extensive amount of damage the massive trains are able to cause. Crash Stuff reports that a 150-car freight train that is traveling 50 miles per hour will take over a mile to stop completely.

Please follow these safety tips to help prevent railroad crossing accidents:

-Check both directions. If there are two train tracks at one crossing, one going each direction, be sure to look both ways before crossing.

-Keep away. When stopping at a railroad crossing, make sure you are at least 15 feet from the tracks.

-Assume there is always a train approaching. Approach all railroad crossings with caution.

-Remember that the train is probably moving faster than you think. Trains often appear to be traveling slower than the eye perceives. A freight train tops out at approximately 60 mph while passenger trains can travel up to speeds of 80 mph.
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Underride guards on tractor-trailers have recently been proven inadequate and unsafe in Boston car accidents. Impact in low-speed crashes often times results in deadly consequences according to recent studies conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

Boston personal injury lawyers understand the severity of these failing underride guards and urge you to practice safe and alert driving when sharing the roads with tractor-trailers. The IIHS has estimated that more than 5,000 passenger vehicle occupants are injured every year when their vehicles collide with the back of large trucks — more than 400 people die in these accidents.
In the study conducted by the IIHS, three tractor-trailers were used: two carrying the underride guards of Canadian standards and the third meeting the U.S. standard. The results from the U.S. tractor-trailer raised questions about how and why these guards failed. The study also determined that the lower-speed accidents were the ones with the worst results.

The Canadian vehicles were able to stop the car before possible injuries reached the occupants of the passenger vehicle, while the tractor-trailers meeting U.S. standards caused damage that would have surely injured, if not killed, any font-seat occupants.

“You might be riding in a vehicle that earns top marks in frontal crash tests, but if the truck’s underride guard fails — or isn’t there at all — your chances of walking away from even a relatively low-speed crash aren’t good,” reported the IIHS.

“Damage to the cars in some of these tests was so devastating that it’s hard to watch the footage without wincing. If these had been real-world crashes, there would be no survivors,” said IIHS President Adrian Lund.
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A new study by Consumer Reports found that 94 percent of all drivers regularly report seeing other drivers talking on a cell phone, as distracted drivers continue to increase the risk of Massachusetts car accidents for all motorists.

“Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on America’s roads, and teens are especially vulnerable because of their inexperience behind the wheel and, often, peer pressure,” said Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.
Parent can do their part with help to help educate young drivers:

-Talk to your teen about the responsibility of driving and the dangers of distracted driving.

-Spread the word on to family and friends.

-Make safety rules. Prohibit cell phone calls and texting while driving.

-Put your own cell phone down. Set a good example.

Our Boston personal injury lawyers urge parents to emphasize the importance of driver safety. The Department of Transportation just released the “Distracted Driving Shatters Lives” guide for parents and educators.

Consumer Reports recently surveyed young Boston drivers under the age of 30 about distracted driving habits:

-63 percent admitted to having used a hand-held phone while driving.

-64 percent said they had seen other drivers texting while driving.

-58 percent had seen a dangerous driving situation because of a distracted driver.

-94 percent observed drivers talking on a cell phone while driving.

In 2009, more than 5,000 people in the United States were killed and nearly 500,000 were injured because of distracted driving. “Behind the statistics are real families who have been devastated by these tragedies,” Secretary LaHood said.

Educating young drivers can make a positive impact of the roadway safety:

-30 percent now feel it’s dangerous to use a hand-help phone while driving.

-78 percent have reduced or stopped distracted-driving related behaviors, over half of those because of distracted driving awareness.
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“We must remain vigilant in addressing roadway safety issues where the greatest impact can be made, such as distracted and teen driving. As miles traveled start to rise again from recession lows, we want to ensure the continuance of this downward trend,” says Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council.

Boston car accidents and accidents elsewhere in 2010 are down 3 percent from the previous year. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), nearly 35,000 fatalities occurred in 2010. Experts credit the recession as a main factor for the decreased number of car accidents.
Boston personal injury lawyers encourage you to practice safe driving habits regardless of the recent statistics. Although fatalities in Boston resulting from car accidents continue to decrease, we must continue to do our part to keep our roads safe. According to NSC, Massachusetts suffered 330 car accident fatalities in 2010.

NSC points fingers at a number of variables that contribute to the decrease in fatalities. They start be crediting law enforcement — including laws and regulations regarding child passengers, distracted driving, teen driving and seat belt usage. Many say the reduction in motor vehicle accidents is largely credited to new state driving laws, such as hand-held phone and texting bans and seat belt laws.

Motor vehicles not only cause devastating injury and fatalities to vehicle occupants, they also present a large amount of cost in medical expenses, employer costs, property damage, lost wages and productivity, and administrative expenses. In 2010, the estimate cost for car accident injuries, fatalities and property damages was nearly $227 billion, also a 3 present decrease from 2009.

The Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles would like to offer you a few resources:

Massachusetts Driver’s Handbook

Massachusetts State Police

DMV customer service and RMV locations.

We ask that all residents and visitors continue to practice safe driving habits on Massachusetts roads in hopes of decreasing fatality rates even more.
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Teen drivers may not fully understand the severity of their actions behind the wheel and the importance of road safety rules. This is the last of a four-part blog covering the dangers of teen driving and Boston car accidents. Recently on our Boston Car Accidents Lawyers Blog we discussed the risk of drunk driving and distracted driving among Boston teenagers. As teens look forward to spring break, prom, graduation, and summer break, they will be hitting the road in large numbers.

Boston car accident lawyers can tell you that speeding is one of the main factors contributing to Massachusetts traffic accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 31 percent of fatal accidents were caused by speeding — claiming the lives of nearly 12,000 motorists last year.
Men between the ages of 15 and 20 were most likely to be involved in speeding accidents. In 2008, a total of 363 motorists were killed in Massachusetts car accidents.

The U.S. Department of Transportation sets speed limits to not only ensure the safety of our roads, but to maximize the efficiency of traffic flow as well.

Here, The NHTSA provides a brochure to help teens understand the rules of the roads and speed limits. It is important to remember that if our teens do not understand the dangers and consequences speeding may have on them and others on the road, they are less likely to obey speed laws and adjust their driving behavior to weather and traffic conditions.

If you’d like to help spread the message to your teens and others, you are encouraged to join the “Speed Shatter Life” campaign organized by the NHTSA.
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We began discussing the dangers of teen driving habits by previously addressing the issues of distracted driving and Massachusetts teens on our Boston Car Accident Lawyers Blog. As the third part of a four-part blog we are now going to address the effects of teens and drunk driving and the risk of Boston car accidents.

Boston car accident attorneys are well aware of the severity of teen crashes and the corresponding involvement of alcohol. In 2008, one in three drivers under the age of 21 who were killed in a car accident involved an intoxicated driver. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), of all drinking and driving incidents involving teens, 1 in 5 involved fatal crashes.
In a recent study conducted by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 60 percent of drivers surveyed admitted to operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol at some point in time.

In 2008, nearly 14,000 people were killed in alcohol-related car accidents. Massachusetts drunk driving accidents are the leading cause of fatal Boston car accidents. The NHTSA reports that of the 417 fatal accidents in Massachusetts, alcohol was involved in nearly 200 of them. Those two hundred alcohol-related fatalities make up a staggering 42 percent of all road fatalities.

Of the total amount of fatal car accidents among teen drivers, 30 percent of those drivers did not have a valid driver license or had previous license suspensions or revocations.

The NHTSA reports that one person dies from an alcohol related driving fatality every 48 minutes, tallying nearly 11,000 lives taken by irresponsible and drunk driving.
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Recently on our Boston Car Accidents Lawyers Blog we discussed the severity and dangers of careless teen driving. We will now look at the impact that teens and distracting driving have on the safety of everyone on the road.

According to The Boston Globe, 63 percent of teens admit to using their cell phones while driving, a proven factor in increasing the risk of Boston car accidents.
In 2009, nearly 6,000 people in Massachusetts and surrounding areas were killed as a result of distracted driving. Massachusetts has been in a six-year debate regarding our distracted driving laws. Twenty-eight states have put laws in effect banning texting while driving. Massachusetts’ law went into effect on Sept. 30.

Distracted driving is not only defined as texting while driving. It also includes fiddling with a GPS, applying makeup, driving with multiple passengers, listening to loud music, and eating behind the wheel.

“Clearly, distracted driving is a problem,” says Russ Rader, spokesman for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. “What is not clear is how best to address it,”

Tips to avoid distracted driving:

– Drink with a lid on your cup to avoid spillage.

– Park to eat or go inside.

– Keep safe driving as the top priority.

– Be well rested when driving.

– Don’t store items on your lap or in between your legs.

– Silence/put away all electronic devices when in route.

– Use proper restraints for pets.

A two-page brochure by the U.S. Department of Transportation is available for you to download at

“Behind the statistics are real families who have been devastated by these tragedies,” says U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.
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As the school year winds down in Massachusetts, students will be at increased risk of Boston car accidents. This is the first entry of a four-blog series covering the impact of distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding among teen drivers.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens between the ages of 15 and 20. With prom, spring break, graduation, and the summer drawing near, our Boston personal injury lawyers remind parents that teen drivers are at increased risk of car accidents and injuries caused by distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, seat belt violations, and cell phone use while driving. These activities pose a threat to young drivers as well as other motorists on the road.
The NHTSA also reports that, mile for mile, teens are involved in three times more Boston car accidents than all other drivers. Massachusetts car accidents involving young drivers killed 68 motorists in 2008, according to government statistics.

Lay out rules to keep your teen safe from a Massachusetts car accident:

– Set a passenger limit.

– Remind teens to always buckle up.

– No cell phone while driving.

– Absolutely no alcohol.

– Obey all speed limit restrictions.

– Develop a curfew.

– Spell our repercussions for broken rules.

Here you can find a Massachusetts parent-teen safe driving contract, courtesy of
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